My Top Essentials For Stress Free Car Travel With Your Dogs

Going on car adventures with my dogs is one of our favorite activities to do together. Even if it’s just a trip to Starbucks for my morning coffee run, and of course to get them a Puppacino.

However, bringing the dogs in the car can be somewhat stressful…and messy. In this post I’m going to share with you what I use to make car traveling much easier and safe!

Get yourself a dog hammock

My number one thing I use every single time I have my dogs in the car is my dog hammock. It is a complete lifesaver. I cannot stress enough how much I absolutely love these. They are great because it closes the gap between the back seat and the driver’s seat, which extends the amount of room your dog has to lay down and stay comfortable. I also appreciate the fact that it keeps your dog in the back seat and helps prevent them from jumping into the front.  

Now, there are several different kinds of dog hammocks out there. And believe me when I say I have tried most, if not all of them. Here are some tips I have learned along the way to pick out the perfect one for your situation, because they are not all built the same.

When picking out a dog hammock, look for one that is well structured. What I mean by this is when looking at pictures online, look for one that has a clear outlined rectangle on the bottom. Here’s a link to the one I use for reference, to get a better idea of what I mean.

You also want to find one that has a mesh panel that will go in between the driver and passenger seat. This is incredibly important because it can get very hot in the back of the car and dogs can easily get overheated. The mesh will allow the air to circulate freely through to the back of the car.

Finally, it’s helpful to have a dog hammock that has side panels that can be zipped up while driving. This is especially convenient if you have a dog that likes to climb. The side panels deter the dog from stepping up on the door handles while trying to look out the window. They also help prevent your door handles from getting scratched up if your dog does find a way to climb up. 

My personal preference is to lay down a towel or a blanket on top of the hammock. This makes it a little more comfortable for the dog and also helps with clean up if they have any kind of accident.

Safety First!

My other must have item for the car is a dog seatbelt. I use a few different kinds, however I turn to my car zipline the most. This goes across my handles on the roof of the car and has a leash linked to it that you can attach to your dog’s harness. I like the zipline because it gives my nervous beagle some room to roam around, while still being secure.

I also have a seatbelt that loops around the head rests, these are definitely helpful if you have a bigger dog like my German Shepard since he is a little taller. This allows him to sit up comfortably. If you have a smaller dog, the seatbelt that clicks into your existing seatbelt holder may work better for you.

I suggest attaching your dog’s seatbelt to a harness rather than your dog’s collar. There are also specific harnesses that have been crash tested, to ensure extra safety if it would make you feel more comfortable to use one of those.

Something I also keep in my car is a dog first aid kit. I always have this handy because accidents can happen, and it’s always good to be prepared.

Small Extra Essentials

Some of the other things that I bring with me are an insulated water bottle and a collapsible water bowl. I also bring a few of my dogs’ favorite toys, including a chew toy. Having a chew toy with you helps prevent your dog from chewing on other things in the car if they tend to get anxious.

I always make sure I have my dogs’ leash as well. I know this seems obvious, but there have been times that I’ve accidentally brought my pup out only using the tether attachment and completely forgot his actual leash. Thankfully, the tether I use has a handle so it can be used as a leash, but it’s still good to make sure you pack your dog’s actual leash.

I also have an additional leash in my car at all times just in case. It is always good to have a back-up in case something happens to the one you are using. I sometimes bring a longer leash with me as well. This gives my dog a little more freedom to run around if we’re going to the beach or somewhere with open space while still being attached to something.

I hope these tips help make your car ride with your pup a little less stressful and a lot more fun!! Please check out our other blog post on how to help your dog ease car anxiety/stress. If you use any of these products be sure to tag us on instagram using the hashtag #dogsdontwearpantsblog!

*Disclosure: The links included in the post are affiliate links with Amazon, which simply means if you go through them to buy something, I will earn a small commission. I personally have used the products I link, which is why I recommend them. Using these links to purchase one of the products is completely up to you, and if you do choose to purchase something through them I am extremely grateful! I value all of your support!